Sunday, February 7, 2016

A blitz on my caches... and a SAR mission

Most of my caches don't get found very often, so it was very cool to see a bunch of them, some long hikes, all get tackled on the same day. It was indeed a beautiful late winter day, and for Tennessee, that is just perfect hiking weather. I received email notifications that some cachers found my lonely multi in Big Ridge State Park on the Indian Rock Loop Trail. Then I got another email notification from my T4.5 cache in Haw Ridge, Irresistible. I always get such a big goofy grin on my face when I get these notifications, and I almost always stop whatever I am doing and immediately read the logs. I want to know all the details of their trip, and the more people write the happier I get. Reflecting on this a little now, it is kind of funny how this works out. I want more finds on my caches, but by lacing caches that get found infrequently, I'm more likely to get the kind of feedback/logs that make me happy. Just the nature of the kind of caches i like to place I guess.

I also got some messages from a group who attempted my 17+ mile hiking Whereigo, Frozen Head Ridge Hike. I was really hoping to hear good news from this group, as this is one of my most ambitious hiking caches in the area. Unfortunately, I never heard the good news that they had completed the hike. The opposite happened, I found out the next day that they had gotten onto the wrong trail by mistake and got caught out after dark. Luckily, no one suffered greatly, as they were able to call help and the park Rangers mounted a SAR squad which got to them pretty quickly. Unfortunately for me, this brought some extra attention to my cache which until now had been flying under the radar. Looks like I'll have to jump through some hoops in order to keep my cache alive, but I'm hopeful. The cachers who got lost have contacted me and already want to give this one another try. And the Park Rangers have contacted me as well and we are working towards getting my cache permitted with them. So far as I can tell, only good has come from this ill-fated cache attempt.

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