Thursday, September 25, 2014

A challenge with a twist

I wasn't planning on putting out a new challenge cache, but an idea just hit me the other day, and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to put it out. It started with me wondering to myself if there was a challenge of challenges, something like, "find X amount of challenges". I haven't run across a challenge like this, but I am sure that they exist. It's not too far off from so many other challenges you see "find X amount of Y". But then I got to thinking that it could get interesting if you had to have nested challenges. Let me explain: You would have to find one geocache challenge which has for one of its qualifying caches another challenge cache, which in turn would have a qualifying cache of another challenge and so on. Then it hit me, Inception, a movie with dreams within other dreams. Watching it was often confusing, but also pretty intriguing, sorting out what is real and what is a dream, which dream is in who's mind, how it all could work. Then you questioned whether everything you saw was actually someone's dream. Plus it had some killer special effects.

So I decided to call my new challenge cache, The Inception Challenge. Like the movie, it requires you to find nested challenge caches 4 levels deep. I dug around a bit and found out that I almost qualify myself, and if I can qualify with only a handful of challenge caches found , then the "big-time" cachers would have no problems. At least, that's what I think. We'll see what they say around here.

Finally, I didn't want the cache to be in a ho-hum location. I never want any of my caches to be boring places (although some of them turn out that way due to the nature of the puzzles). Even though putting it on a mountain ridge with a 2 mile hike means it might get visited way less than the other challenge caches in this area, I opted to put it near the Laurel Grove Lookout Tower on Walden Ridge. It is a gorgeous hike, and spectacular tower for views. Definitely worthy of a geocache placement. Part of thinks that I should have placed a traditional there instead, and put the Challenge along a road somewhere.. but I did it this way anyways because that is just my style.

Here are some more pictures of the hike and tower.

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