What does any of this have to do with geocaching? You see, that last Seder I was at was right after I started geocaching but before I had become really nutty about it. But now, a visit to a new geocache rich area gets me all fired up. So many parks to explore, puzzles to solve, new stats to earn, challenges to complete. The thing is to try to get some of this enthusiasm to spread to other members of the family. A challenge indeed.
The first geocache foray of our Passover trip was on the Saturday right after we arrived. My youngest went down for a nap and my aunt had just left to pick up my sister (and family) from BWI. That left uncle Rob, cousin Jessie my son and me with a free afternoon. Uncle Rob suggested going to what they call the "Mink House", aka Meadowside Nature Center. Not only do they have a great visitor center with tons of kid friendly activities, but they also have some rescued raptors in an outdoor aviary, an obstacle course and nature trails. I brought my GPSr "just in case" and we made the short 10 minute drive over. After enjoying the visitor center and seeing the rescued raptors, I turned on my GPSr "just to check: and what do you know, there was a cache only 0.1 miles away. Of course my son wanted to go find it, and Uncle Rob and Jessie seemed game as well so off we went. Turns out it was a bit longer walk, down a meandering trail, but soon enough we were at GZ. I had given the GPSr to Jessie and she was trying to hone in on the elusive GZ. Treecover and the hillside made it jump around somewhat. Levin and I immediately went towards a downed log over some rocks, thinking that would be the most likely spot, but as we were searching all over, Jessie yelled out. She had found it on the other side of the trail. The cache turned out to be a decent size and had a bunch of fake spiders in it, fitting since it was named Arachnaphobia. Jessie was pretty buoyant about finding the cache and was game for finding another one (only 1/4 mile away!) but Uncle Rob's knee was giving him trouble so we opted to head back up to the car. On the way, we passed an obvious plastic toolbox at the base of a tree that had the words "Official Geocache" written on it. We of course investigated and found that it had been placed by the park staff and contained some rough tools for determining the height of a tree (a straw-and-paper inclinometer and tape measure. We measured the nearest tree, which was fun but Levin was more interested jumping across rocks in the nearby stream.
Everyone who found some caches seemed to enjoy it, and Jessie and Sarah even talked about doing it on their own, but I'm not convinced that they will. I kept getting the feeling that they were all quietly amused at how much I get into this strange little hobby. I mean, can't I just enjoy going someplace without having to find something? I used to... but now I just can't resist that sirens call.
Levin at the National Zoo. Guess what, it's right near the GZ for a virtual cache. Surprise surprise huh? |
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