Saturday, July 2, 2016

I am an Author!

Several months ago, I heard about a geocaching writing "competition" in which folks could submit geocaching stories and if their story was accepted, it would be included in a compilation book to be released at Geowoodstock XIV. Someone on the TVG facebook page suggested I submit something. I guess I have a small reputation for writing, perhaps owing to my sometimes lengthy logs, or perhaps this blog. So I put together a story for the competition. I had my brother-in-law, who also geocaches under the user WildWes, edit it for me since he is an English major. Then I hit the submit button. Months went by, but when I finally heard back, my story was accepted. I had to do a little bit of editing, but nothing major.
As this nice promotional graphic states, the book is available at Amazon. I get a free copy sent to me since I was a contributing author, but I also have ordered 3 more copies to send to family memebrs who i think would appreciate the book. or at least my small part. I'll have to check with Kimberly Eldredge if I can repost my story here on my blog now that the book has published. not sure if that is kosher. But for now, yippee!

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