Sunday, November 30, 2014

Isn't it wonderful to receive a nice log on your cache?

We got home from a nice hike in the Obed today and when I checked my emails, I saw that my new cache in Haw Ridge Park, Irresistible, had been found. Cool! Even cooler was the log that was left by Quarter-master. I suppose for someone who is afraid of heights, this cache would indeed seem very crazy. But what's crazy for one person isn't always crazy for another. I for one found it crzy that Quarter-master would attempt a night-time mountain-bike ride to go after this cache. And I feel that I am justified in finding him crazy to do that, since he ended up flipping his handlebars and messing up his bike. And he thinks a little climbing is crazy... Below is Quarter-Master's log for the cache. If you can, sing it to the tune of Favorite things.

Ding, a new email my pace thus soon quickens
Hiking down park trails the new cache just glistens 
Finding and Finding and Finding some more
These are a few of the things I adore.
Unexplored chasms and abandoned foundations
Treasure maps telling the history of nations
What can I say except, “Give me some more!!”
These are a few of the things I adore.
Puzzles in Puzzles and clues inside caches
Caches that make me translate all these -.. .- ... .... . ... .-.-.-
Finding what others walk by and don’t see 
Brings such a wonderful feeling to me.
When it’s raining, and light’s fading
And the cache is not had
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

That said, you are crazy. This cache is more ridiculous than anything I have done and I loved it!! I came out Friday, but it took too long to gather friends and equipment and I ended up heading in alone at dusk. Not something I haven't done before, but this time I didn't have a very bright headlamp and I was trying to bike in. This proved to be a terrible idea as I soon found myself face to face with the dirt, I had hit a root or rock hidden by a thick layer of leaves, and flipped completely over the handlebars. At this point, biking seemed to not be the best of ideas so I chained it to a tree and continued on by foot. I must have taken a wrong turn somewhere because I ended up going the wrong direction through the woods and decided that I wasn't going to be able to find it that night. Soon I turned around and headed as the crow flies straight back through the park until I hit a familiar trail and followed it back to my bike. My bike proved to have suffered more damage in the wreck than I had and I had to walk it back out. Disappointed and sore I resolved to try again another day. Since it had been this hard for me, I hoped no one else would go for it. Three days later I came back with two friends. It was a quick hike out to a familiar part of the park, one that I have hiked past many times before. Once we reached ground zero, I pulled out the rope and carabiners and climbed into my harness. I was almost there when my acrophobia kicked in and I had to go back. Thus the reason I brought friends. black•dot and a friend from scouting both took trips to the top, one to retrieve the cache and the other to put it back. The structure seems to be quite stable, there were some places where pieces of concrete were falling away, but the metal bands were holding quite nicely. Overall a fantastic cache this one definitely gets a favorite from me.

Another interesting tidbit, I new that several caches in Haw Ridge had been archived and that one originally had been here. While I was exploring around the old foundations I found it, Big Bin (GC9A55) was just sitting in one of the grain troughs, I signed the log and have logged it as I was able to find it online, but I have hidden it nearby and plan to see if we cannot repurpose it for another cache in the park. I know that several of these "archived caches" are still out in the park and meant to check on another one on the way out, but I took a wrong turn and ended up heading to Power Cut.

All in all, an excellent day for a hike, I didn't get any strange looks from people passing by while we were hiking, and I got an FTF!! Thanks for another fantastic cache Fugads, I really enjoyed it.

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